‘Berlin I love you’ 마틴 게릭스, 인스타그램을 통해 근황 공개

기사입력:2019-09-13 14:08:11
[공유경제신문 김상두 기자] 마틴 게릭스가 팬들에게 자신의 근황을 알렸다.

마틴 게릭스는 지난 10일 인스타그램에 사진과 함께 “Berlin I love you.. Couldn’t wish for a better ending of the ANIMA europe tour... so so proud of the entire team involved I know I say this a lot but here we go again.. I’m the guy you see on stage and the brain behind the music, but every single thing you see during the shows, from the lights, lasers, visuals, flames, the stage itself, even the transportation, security, pilots, and all the logistics in general, there is a huge group of genious people, making sure we can give you guys the experience you all deserve. Bringing the Anima show all over europe has been a huge dream and goal of mine (and the team). And to see the response/positivity it brought has been incredible. I love you all so much and I can’t wait to bring our ANIMA show to the rest of the world!! +x”라는 글로 근황을 공개했다.

한편 마틴 게릭스는 평소에도 인스타그램을 통해 팬들에게 본인의 근황을 공개했었다.